It is mandatory for all candidates to pass the entire test paper i.e. Urdu, English and Mathematics for KG1 to class VI and science along with other subjects for class VII,VIII &IX .Detailed mark sheet for Class X,XI and XII and Physics, Chemistry and Biology test if required. The pass percentage required to get admission is min 40% in each subject. The result card of the pervious school should be attested by M.O.F.A Qatar.
We are thrilled to announce that admissions for Pre KG to Grade 4 are now open for the Kindergarten and Primary Wing (Evening Shift)!
⦿ Session will start from 1st September, 2024.
⦿ The age will be calculated with 30th September of the current year.
⦿ Cambridge School is available only in MORNING SESSION.
The age of a student is calculated as of 30th September of every academic year. All applicants must meet the minimum and maximum age criteria based on their date of birth as of this cutoff date.
Note: all the above-mentioned documents should be scanned and saved in separate files and should be uploaded at the time of registration.
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